Realizing potential in defence technologies and strategies


Alliance goal

Development of a competitive domestic defence industry for the Ukrainian Defence Forces.

It is aimed at creating an integrated ecosystem of the Ukrainian defence industry.

Combining the efforts of industry and government to develop the Ukrainian defence sector

Developing and implementing a long-term strategy for industry players

Creating an innovation ecosystem for the development and implementation of breakthrough technologies in the Ukrainian defense industry (similar to the American DARPA)

Building effective communication with the state authorities for a unified policy of defence technology development.

Creating a system of private-public partnerships in the defence industry.

Attracting international capital for innovative development of the defence industry and the Ukrainian economy.

Alliance goal

Development of a competitive domestic defense industry for the Ukrainian Defense Forces.

  • Combining the efforts of industry and government to develop the Ukrainian defense sector

  • Developing and implementing a long-term strategy for industry players

  • Creating an innovation ecosystem for the development and implementation of breakthrough technologies in the Ukrainian defense industry (similar to the American DARPA)

  • Building effective communication with the state authorities for a unified policy of defense technology development.

  • Creating a system of private-public partnerships in the defense industry.

  • Attracting international capital for innovative development of the defense industry and the Ukrainian economy.

It is aimed at creating an integrated ecosystem of the Ukrainian defense industry.

About us

    Interacting with government agencies to formulate a unified policy and define priorities in the defence sector.
    Coordination and cooperation between private and state-owned defence producers to exchange experience and jointly implement projects.
    Market analysis and trends in defence technology, including weapons, drones, robotic systems, software, and ammunition.
    Developing and implementing a long-term strategy for the development of the Ukrainian defence technology sector.
    Supporting innovation and research in the defence sector to strengthen Ukraine's technological leadership.
    Attracting large international capital to Ukraine's defence technology sector.
    Conducting educational and research activities.

The Alliance was created in response to challenges in the defence industry

The sector needs tens of billions of dollars of investment, but the business climate and risks of the Ukrainian jurisdiction do not create opportunities for this, and vice versa, Ukrainian business in the small business sector is migrating out of the country

 Lack of systematic cooperation between the public and private sectors

as a result, chaotic movement and separation of players, no synergy

Lack of a unified defence industry development policy

accordingly, industry participants and manufacturers do not understand the prioritization of developments, solutions, services and products

● A large number of requests from the defence industry

for which there is no mechanism for processing, which slows down the development of own production, increases purchases of foreign solutions and weapons, and the national economy loses its production potential

We believe that together we will find solutions and effective algorithms to overcome these challenges.

Join the Alliance!

About membership

Benefits of membership:

    Access to information and resources of the Association;
    Opportunity to participate in educational and research activities;
    Supporting the EBA in promoting the interests of the EBA members in public authorities;
    Attracting large international capital to the defense technology sector

Types of membership:


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Initiators of the alliance

Anatoly Amelin

Anatoly Amelin

Chairman of the Alliance Council;● Co-founder of the Ukrainian Institute for the Future Think Tank; ● Co-developer of the National Strategy of Ukraine 2030 (approved by the CMU in 2021)

Alexander Kardakov

Olexandr Kardakov

● Founder of Octava Defense;● Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Octava Capital;● Author of the latest miltech developments

Yaroslav Yakimov

Taras Rozkvas

● Director of KM DISTI LLC and UARMS LLC;● Specialization - economics and finance;● IT distribution and production of personal protective equipment

Initiators of the alliance


- Chairman of the Alliance Council;- Co-founder of the Ukrainian Institute for the Future Think Tank; - Co-developer of the National Strategy of Ukraine 2030 (approved by the CMU in 2021)


- Founder of Octava Defense;
- Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Octava Capital;
- Author of the latest miltech developments


- Director of KM DISTI LLC and UARMS LLC;
- Specialization - economics and finance;
- IT distribution and production of personal protective equipment


Логотип "Український інститут майбутнього"
логотип UARMS
Логотип Octava Defence
Логотип Автор


Chairman of the Board - Anatoliy Amelin

Registration address:

01014, м. Kyiv, Pecherskyi district, 41-B Boichuk Mykhailo str. 2018